28 April 2023

Breaking news – Sustainable Finance

What’s new in sustainable finance?

Every week, Carbon4 Finance shares the latest headlines in sustainable finance.

The SRI Label Committee opens a consultation on proposals for an “ambitious and innovative” redesign of the label.

The European Central Bank’s third assessment of Banks’ disclosure on environmental-related risks reveals that banks have increased the amount of reported information, but that the quality of reporting remains too low compared with European ambitions.

Last week, the European Parliament approved the new European climate policy which aims to reduce emissions by 62% by 2030 compared with 2005 thanks to a reform of the carbon market.

The European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published a discussion paper on the need to better insure households and businesses against climate-related catastrophes.

To the question : Which news do you find the most important ?

  • 61% have responded : EU Climate Policy
  • 21% : EU Bank's reporting
  • 10% : Climate related insurance
  • 9% : SRI label consultation

The poll

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