23 January 2024

Breaking news- Sustainable Finance

What’s new in sustainable finance?

Every week, Carbon4 Finance shares the latest headlines in sustainable finance.

Austria raises €2.5bn from green bonds: The Austrian Treasury successfully raised €1.25 billion each from the tap of its 2029 and 2049 green bonds, with oversubscriptions of over 12 times and 24 times, respectively. Investor demand allowed Austria to tighten pricing on both tranches, achieving a 'greenium' of the same amount and the triple-tranche syndication, including a conventional tranche, secured a record-breaking €64 billion orderbook.

In a recent Webinar, WWF highlighted the need that regulators take into consideration biodiversity & nature into their assessments of risks along with climate impact. Indeed, in a report published in December, WWF's 2023 tracker highlights progress in global financial regulations going green, but gaps persist, especially in high-income and major emitting countries. While 18% of central banks integrate climate risks, 68% lack adequate policies.
The Greenfin Label just changed its exclusions criteria and now includes nuclear energy. Another exception is gas, which benefits from a relaxation of this exclusion, particularly in the areas of transport, distribution, storage and supply services, provided that these activities do not represent more than 30% of the turnover of the companies financed.
ESMA published the list of its 2024 planned consultation papers.

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