9 December 2021

The real estate and construction sector : analysis with Carbon Impact Analytics methodology

Carbon4 Finance was glad to present the building industry’s results.
During this webinar, we presented the Carbon Impact Methodology applied to the real estate and construction sector, and the results of our analyses.

Real estate companies, as financial players, play a key role in the building ecosystem. As such, they are witnesses to the ecological challenges of this sector, but also players in the transition of the building industry.
Worldwide, the building sector (existing buildings and construction combined) consumes 36% of the final energy consumed and emits 37% of the world's CO2 emissions. The transition of the sector is therefore a necessity, which is increasingly reflected in regulations: in France alone, the tertiary sector decree imposes energy savings on part of the existing stock, and the environmental regulation, applied from January 2022, will impose thresholds throughout the life cycle of construction projects.
Real estate companies, as managers of a portfolio but also as property developers, have a major role to play in this transition, especially as their economic weight is considerable.

The webinar was the occasion to understand the stakes of the sector in terms of climate transition, the sector being both a witness and an actor of these stakes.

Watch the replay (in French)

Download the presentation (in French)

Read the publication (in French)